Looking inside the mind of ezra taft benson through. The ezra taft benson society in honor of ezra taft benson. Unidad educativa ezra taft benson community college. Ezra taft benson august 4, 1899 may 30, 1994 was an american farmer, government official, and religious leader who served as the 15th united states secretary of. President ezra taft bensons epic conference talk about his vision regarding the book of mormon. The book of mormon, published in 1830, is well known. Perhaps best remembered as the united states secretary of agriculture during the presidential administration of dwight d. Tonight i have been exploring ezra taft benson s political ideologies.
Joseph smith, the founding prophet of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints and of the broader latterday saint movement, produced several volumes of scripture between 1827, when he began translating the book of mormon, and 1844, when he was murdered. Ezra taft bensons grave graves of the lds church prophets. I told the brethren that the book of mormon was the most correct of any book. Michael quinn devoted a chapter on ezra taft bensonjbs in his book mormon hierarchy. Ezra taft benson has indeed been motivated by worthy causes. Ezra was born at the dawn of the second great awakening. The teachings of ezra taft benson kindle edition by benson. The church under condemnation treated lightly the book of mormon president ezra taft benson. May the good lord sustain you and bless you as you enjoy your work as. He dedicated nine temples and saw great growth in church membership and strength. In 1952 president dwight david eisenhower appointed ezra taft benson to the cabinet post of secretary of agriculture, temporarilly being released from his duties as an apostle while still serving in this capacity. The teachings of ezra taft benson kindle edition by. Ezra taft benson, october 1986 ensign i have done this a few times.
A modernday prophet testifies of the book of mormon. God family country in order to keep the great land of america free. He worked to streamline church policies and procedures. In a witness and a warning you will find president benson s counsel, insight, testimony and teachings pertaining to the book of mormon. Ezra taft benson the book of mormon is the word of god. Mar 19, 2012 followup to ezra taft benson story lds mormon truth. The book of mormon is meant for our dayfor us here and now.
Book of mormon talk president ezra taft benson 101988 youtube. It is the saga of a farm boy who loved the land and the lord a plough boy who became a prophet. Eisenhower and as the th president of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints lds church from 1985 until his death in 1994. Published volume by ezra taft benson a witness and a warning. The teachings of ezra taft benson kindle edition by benson, ezra taft, benson, reed a download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading the teachings of ezra taft benson. Book of mormon talk president ezra taft benson 101988.
Deseret book 8 published volume by ezra taft benson the teachings of ezra taft benson. The documents in turn have served to intensify a longstanding debate over the. Lds mormon president ezra taft benson on service youtube. Benson typically endorsed traditional morality and faith in the book of mormon, the churchs principal scriptures, and reasserted longheld. For a closer look at some of the political, religious and personal views of one of mormonism s prophets, seers and revelators, quoted below are excerpts from the personal correspondence of ezra taft benson to me, written when he was a member of the quorum of the twelve and later as president of the mormon church. Brothers and sisters, without reservation i promise you that if you will prayerfully read the book of mormon, regardless of how many times you previously have read it, there will come into your hearts an added measure of the spirit of the lord. From reading the article in the link posted below it seems to have caused a bit of contention within the leadership of the church. Ezra taft benson august 4, 1899 may 30, 1994 was an american farmer, government. The thirteenth president of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints lds church from 1985 until his death and was united. By this standard, no event could be more important to individuals or nations than the resurrection of the master. I am not here today to tickle your ears, to entertain you. Ezra taft benson the church of jesus christ of latterday saints. This is the story of ezra taft benson, thirteenth president of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints.
I find certain elements in the church do not like to read the book of mormon and doctrine and covenants so much they have too much to say about freedom. President ezra taft benson, the th president of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints mormon church, speaks about the gospel in action, service, and how to help others through the. Mar 01, 2009 president ezra taft benson, president of the council of the twelve. The book of mormon further warns that whatsoever nation shall uphold such secret combinations, to get power and gain, until they shall spread over the nation, behold they shall be destroyed. Benson in mormonism to distinguish him from the thirteenth lds prophet, ezra taft benson, his greatgrandson. Eisenhower, this idahoborn republican also served for nearly a decade as president of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints the mormon church. The new world order an analysis for latterday saints. President wilkinson, distinguished members of the faculty, members and friends of this great student body, my brothers and sisters. The world would mold men by changing their environment. An address given to the brigham young university studeny body. President ezra taft benson delivers a message titled the book of mormonkeystone of. We have been instructed again and again to reflect more intently on the meaning and. Ezra taft benson august 4, 1899 may 30, 1994 was an american farmer, government official, and religious leader who served as the 15th united states secretary of agriculture during both presidential terms of dwight d. In 1973 benson was set apart as president of the council of the twelve apostles.
With this book one can gain an understanding of the principles of freedom and the proper role of government, based on the gospel of jesus christ. Ezra taft benson, civic standards for the faithful saints link in comments. Promises for reading book of mormon lords promise to you what you must do reference. President ezra taft benson s epic conference talk about his vision regarding the book of mormon. God has provided modern scripture, another testament, even the book of mormon, for the convincing of the world that jesus is the christ. Born of god president ezra taft benson president of the church ensign, july 1989, 25.
The book of mormon warns america ezra taft benson 16. The modern prophet ezra taft benson, quoting the book of mormon prophet helaman. May 22, 2015 the missing chapter from teachings of presidents of the church. Ezra taft benson, former prophet of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints, 19851994 president benson was born august 4, 1899, in whitney, idaho, and was the oldest of eleven children. Three ways the book of mormon is a keystone ezra taft benson, ensign, october 1986 pg. A gift from the lord my beloved brethren and sisters, today i would like to speak about one of the most significant gifts given to the world in modern times. Followup to ezra taft benson story lds mormon truth. Polygamy and mormon church leaders ezra taft benson. The book of mormon keystone of our religion president benson oct. The insights into his personal life and character are invaluable. Kimball passed away on 5 november 1985 ezra taft benson became the thirteenth president of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints. He taught the importance of flooding the earth with the book of mormon, warned against the universal sin of pride, and believed that christ was the source of lasting change and true joy.
Promises for reading book of mormon margies messages. And joseph smith, the prophet, the instrument whom god used to translate this record, testified that the book of mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to god by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book. P resident e zra t aft b enson t he b ook of m ormon the book of mormon keystone of our religion ezra taft benson ensign, nov. Ezra taft benson author of the proper role of government. President ezra taft benson, president of the council of the twelve. He is the right way, the full truth, and the abundant life ezra taft benson, first presidency christmas devotional, 7 december 1986. Benson, who was appointed by brigham young as a member of the quorum of twelve apostles from 1846 on. Ezra taft benson church under condemnation for not. In 1985, ezra taft benson became the president of the church. I went to the grove the first time to cover a visit by president ezra taft benson to upstate new york aug. The book of mormon is the word of god ezra taft benson. Deseret book 8 january 2, 1986 ezra taft benson to the editor of the birch society magazine. Teachings of ezra taft benson benson, ezra taft on. Ezra taft benson was an american farmer, government official, and religious leader who served as the 15th united states.
To the youth of the noble birthright president ezra taft benson general conference, april 1986, priesthood session. Benson to distinguish him from his greatgrandson of the same name was an apostle and a member of the quorum of the twelve apostles of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints lds church. Ezra taft benson american religious leader britannica. Unless we read the book of mormon and give heed to its teachings, the lord has stated in section 84 of the doctrine and covenants that the whole church is under condemnation. We will prove them herewith, said the lord, to see if they will do all things whatsoever the lord their go. Few would be able to handle the load or the scope of his lifes work. Defending utah the missing chapter from teachings of.
Christ would take the slums out of people, and then they would take themselves out of the slums. Christ changes men, who then change their environment. Ezra taft benson is truly inspiring and lds and nonlds alike would benefit tremendously by learning about his life. Ezra taft benson quotes author of the proper role of. President bensons visit to the sacred grove church. Ezra taft benson mormonism, the mormon church, beliefs. As i participated in the mexico city temple dedication, i received the distinct impression that god is not. He shares many insights into why they are important to every one of us, and what we should do to keep them foremost in our lives. It is used for personal study and for melchizedek priesthood and relief. Thirteenth president of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints. My beloved brethren and sisters, for some years now i have been deeply concerned that we are not using the book of mormon as god intends. I have been aware of those who preceded me in this office as president of the church. Ezra taft benson testified of the influence of the book of mormon in bringing the children of men unto christ. At each site, president benson spoke of the book of mormon.
Ezra taft benson quotes author of the proper role of government. Stand up for freedom is a compilation of essential teachings on liberty by ezra taft benson, prophet, leader, statesman. He was the great grandson of another ezra taft benson, now known as ezra t. A complete list of temples of the church of jesus christ of latter. Ezra taft benson the book of mormon president ezra.
Grave of ezra taft benson located in the whitney, idaho cemetery. The gift i am thinking of is more important than any of the inventions that have come out of the industrial. Ezra taft benson by enochmoore on may 22, 2015 in constitution, history, property rights, utah politics tweet. Reconstructing the book of mormons missing stories don bradley.
Farmers at the crossroads signed by mormon prophet ezra taft benson as told to carlisle bargeron ezra taft benson on. This is the th in a series of books of the teachings of presidents of the church. Jan 01, 1988 the book of mormon is meant for our dayfor us here and now. Born on a farm in whitney, idaho, benson was the oldest of eleven children. Benson served an lds church mission in britain from 1921 to 1923.
There will come into your hearts an added measure of the spirit of the lord. The new world order an analysis for latterday saints from the teachings of ezra taft benson dedicated to william tyndale who was martyred in 1536 for printing the words of the prophets without permission. Bookcraft 8 january 1988 first presidency message, ezra taft benson. Kimball passed away on 5 november 1985 ezra taft benson became the thirteenth president. When he was a youth, his father was called on a mission. The book of mormonkeystone of our religion president ezra taft benson president of the church conference report, oct. It is not just that the book of mormon bears testimony of christ, though it indeed does that, too. Anyone who will read the book of mormon and put it to the divine test that moroni proposes see moro. President ezra taft benson shows us why we must remember three great loyalties.
In a witness and a warning you will find president bensons counsel, insight. The greatest events of history are those that affect the greatest number for the longest periods. The book of mormonkeystone of our religion youtube. It tells of his romance and marriage to a city girl, flora amussen, a young woman who had more faith in him than he had in himself. Farmers at the crossroads signed by mormon prophet ezra. I testify that the book of mormon is the word of god. My beloved brethren and sisters, today i would like to speak about. The church under condemnation treated lightly the book of. The new world order an analysis for latterday saints blog. Polygamy and mormon church leaders ezra taft benson february 22, 1811 september 3, 1869 ezra taft benson is commonly known and referred to as ezra t. It is the only book that contains within its covers a promise that by divine power the reader may know with certainty of its truth. For a closer look at some of the political, religious and personal views of one of mormonism s prophets, seers and revelators, quoted below are excerpts from the personal correspondence of ezra taft benson to me, written when he was a member of the quorum of the twelve and later as president of the mormon. Polygamy and mormon church leaders ezra taft benson february.
Aug, 2014 ezra taft benson testified of the influence of the book of mormon in bringing the children of men unto christ. Eisenhower and president of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints, known for his outspoken conservative views. It is not just that the book of mormon teaches us truth, though it indeed does that. The missing chapter from teachings of presidents of the church.
All talks by president ezra taft benson giuseppe martinengo. The scribner encyclopedia of american lives dictionary. Jun 09, 2008 president ezra taft benson, the th president of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints mormon church, speaks about the gospel in action, service, and how to help others through the. Jun 07, 2015 1986 ezra taft benson published volume the constitution. With this book one can gain an understanding of the principles of freedom and the proper role.
Jun 03, 20 unless we read the book of mormon and give heed to its teachings, the lord has stated in section 84 of the doctrine and covenants that the whole church is under condemnation. Tonight i have been exploring ezra taft bensons political ideologies. History of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints, 4. Ezra taft benson bio, facts, family famous birthdays. There is a power in the book which will begin to flow into your lives the moment you begin a serious study of the book.
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